Monday, May 01, 2006

The Fairy Obvious

A cowgirl faery????

This is a sub-species I believe I may have errantly invented. When I realized being part of the RT Faery Court meant wearing a faery costume, and training my brain to write “faery” instead of “fairy”… I entered rebellion mode.

Rebellion mode is my internal nemesis. I’ve entered it often and usually it’s not good for me or anyone around me. In my early twenties, I was qasi-Goth, before it even existed. I’ve never followed the crowd and I don’t know why. I generally play well with people.

Anyway, I digress. My fair…faery costume. The thought of frou-frou and tufts of gauzy material floating on my body gave me the chills. I like beads though and denim, leather, and spurs, so in my mind I envisioned a different kind of faery. Not that I dislike a frou-frou faery, I like to look at pictures of them. However, if they are dark and mysterious I like them a whole lot better. Now that I think of it…I should’ve been the mysterious Black Faery. I could’ve done gauzy material in black…I know I could.

My mind is wandering again…are you getting to know me better? Denim seemed the logical choice, so I sliced a pair of my husband’s jeans open at the legs and then started to add other pieces of denim here and there. I frayed the denim pieces and added really cool beads with messages and handmade glass beads, beads from old necklaces belonging to my grandmother, and chains, and then I went out to the barn to find old bridals with silver. After removing the silver, I put it on the skirt too. But wait, I needed leather, straps from the now disassembled bridal because there were still some really cool pieces of silver I couldn’t get off.

But wait, after looking at the skirt, I’m thinking it’s interesting, but why would a faery wear this? (Why would anybody, it weighs a ton) So I concede to adding little gauze rosettes here and there. Every faery needs gauze, don’t they?

Why didn’t I let someone make my costume? I was an art major, and love to create. One of my very favorite artists…Salvador Dali. Can you think of what the costume looks like now?

Now back to the spurs…it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I’m wondering if it’s over the top?


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