Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bad Day/Good Day

How I wish for a calm day. Wednesday, Tiffany went to the emergency room for the third time with the same ailment…still no diagnosis.

Yesterday was an emotional day…dealing with Mom’s estate, my brother and I had harsh words.

Already in a bad mood, I decided to go for broke, so I called Avalon. I didn’t expect to hear they planned to call, but weren’t far enough along in their schedule to make an offer.
They’ve tentatively slotted Thoroughly Mannerly Millicent in April of 2007. An editor said even though it’s not official, I can tell… Not only is it great because I’ll have a book I can use my own name on, I can actually put Andrew, Payton, Paige and Parker in the dedication and make it a legacy. Plus, I really liked hearing she loved it!

So to celebrate, I put battery operated Christmas light on my faery skirt! It’s cool in the dark, however, a little bizarre otherwise. You can’t see the wire, just the little lights peeking through. The good news…I think my spurs will distract from the lights.

Lori, I know you are dying for a picture. I wish you were going to be there with me.


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