Thursday, May 04, 2006

Off to another good start?

What would it be like if life went smoothly? If just once, I could stick the key in and have the engine start? It’s not bad enough I have to mow five acres of grass that will more than likely end up belonging to someone else because I can’t afford this farm and the place in Arizona too. And I don’t even want to talk about the Victorian in town…my money pit. The only thing good about it right now is I don’t have a mortgage.

Mowing, lead paint, new roof, wiring, leaking pipes, Mom’s dog, illness one after another, $210.00 seizure medicine that lasts three weeks, lawyers who want a small fortune to settle Mom’s estate, contracting the house in Arizona five times now and no end in sight for a “real” sale…

And the faery costume is now hanging on a plant hanger in the front window, so I can be reminded of my harebrained ideas…