Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's been over 3 years since I posted here...

It's been a long time...long enough that I can't remember why I stopped using Blogspot.

One of the last posts was in May of '06, where I spoke of Tiffany going to the emergency room and being sent home without a clue of why she was ill. Little did I know that just a few weeks later, she'd go again. And we'd find out what had be the problem all along.


Now here it is over three years later. Tiffany is doing great.

We went back to Arizona for her treatment, and then came back to Ohio.

And we are soooooo ready to return to Arizona.

We have two houses to sell. Once that happens, we going back. This is such a depressed area, and I miss my writing friends and groups. I miss the Butterscotch Martini Girls.

Brit - working to get back